Surprise Trump Fed pick Stephen Moore gains support of Rand Paul

President Trump’s nomination of supply-side advocate and informal adviser Stephen Moore for a seat on the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors caught Capitol Hill off-guard. But not all senators thought Trump’s unorthodox pick to the central bank’s leadership was bad.

“I think he’ll be good,” said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. “He’s got a long history in the conservative movement here in town, and … I know him personally very well. I think he’s a good pick.”

Paul, a vocal critic of the Fed and opponent of one of Trump’s past nominees to the central bank’s board, economist Marvin Goodfriend, is an important early vote to pick up. 

Moore, a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, is a well-known figure in conservative circles, primarily for his strong advocacy for lower taxes. He’s also become a lead advocate for the Trump administration’s policies on television and served as an informal adviser to Trump during the push for the 2017 tax overhaul.

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