We will drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. and replace it with a new government of, by, and for the people.

– President Donald J. Trump

Join the movement:

Our mission:


We support President Trump’s vision of a government of, by, and for the people. We believe the people have the right to know what their government is doing, and support leaders who aren’t afraid to hold it accountable.


Plenty of politicians will tell you they support Limited Government. Whether deregulation, eliminating wasteful and unconstitutional spending, or appointing conservative jurists, We support the ones who actually fight for it.


From protecting life to protecting our borders, we support those who fight for traditional values, our Constitution, and our Country.

We’re proud to stand with President Trump.

We support strong, conservative leaders who will work with the President to drain the swamp and put Americans first:

Marjorie Greene (GA)
Marjorie Greene (GA)
Rep. Bob Good (VA)
Rep. Bob Good (VA)
Lauren Boebert (CO)
Lauren Boebert (CO)
Sen. Josh Hawley (MO)
Sen. Josh Hawley (MO)
J.R. Majewski (OH)
J.R. Majewski (OH)
Rep. Ronny Jackson (TX)
Rep. Ronny Jackson (TX)
Gov. Kristie Noem (SD)
Gov. Kristi Noem (SD)
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (AL)
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (AL)
Sen. Ted Cruz (TX)
Sen. Ted Cruz (TX)
Rep. Jim Jordan (OH)
Rep. Jim Jordan (OH)
Rep. Byron Donalds (FL)
Rep. Byron Donalds (FL)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX)
Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX)

Join us in our mission!

Contribute today to help us drain the D.C. Swamp.


Latest News

Check out the latest movement to drain the swamp and advance the conservative, America First agenda in Washington, D.C.

NY Post: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson wins Texas House seat

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GOP Rising Stars Win BIGLY In Competitive House Races

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Deep State Meltdown In Both Parties As Pro Gun, America First Marjorie Greene Wins Runoff, Heads To General U.S. House Election

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Trump reshapes long-liberal 9th Circuit, as Republican-appointed judges gain seats on court

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Surprise Trump Fed pick Stephen Moore gains support of Rand Paul

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Mueller finds no Trump-Russia conspiracy

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